Nutritional value Marennes Oléron oyster, your partner oyster health
- The oyster is a low calorie food, as low in fat as fish.
Even the oysters we call ‘grasse’ (fat) have a low lipid content and are high in glycogen, a reserve sugar. A dozen oysters is an ideal alternative to meat or fish, with proteins of excellent quality.
Recent studies indicate that oysters contain three to four times less cholesterol than meat. Oysters are also a source of calcium nad phosphorus necessary for the construction and maintenance of bones. Oligoelements such as zinc, selenium and copper form part of a panpoly of anti-oxidants which protect the tissues and slow aging. The panel of oligoelements and vitamins offered by the oyster also make it a food source which combats fatigue.
- Oysters are particularly reccommended for compensating mineral loss, notably iron and copper.
- Nutritional value
- Valeur calorique: 66 Kcal
Valeur calorique: 280 Kj
Humidité: 83.3 g
Cendres: 2.3 g
Protides: 8.6 g
Glucides/différence: 4.0 g
Lipides totaux: 1.7 g
Cholestérol: 20.3 mg
- Vitamins
- A: 14.20 μg
E: 1.21 mg
D: <0.5 μg
B1: 0.04 mg
B2: 0.15 mg
B5: 0.65 mg
B6: 0.10 mg
PP: 1.95 mg
B12: 28.56 μg
- Minerals & oligoéléments
- Sodium: 470 mg
Calcium: 77.9 mg
Potassium: 215 mg
Magnésium: 71.6 mg
Fer: 2.1 mg
Cuivre: 1.4 mg
Zinc: 26.8 mg
Manganèse: 0.66 mg
Phosphore: 95 mg
Iode: 101 μg
Sélénium: 29 μg
- Fatty acids
- AG saturés: 336 mg
AG monoinsaturés: 228 mg
AG polyinsaturés: 346 mg
Dont oméga 6: 67 mg
Dont oméga 3: 272 mg
Dont EPA: 146 mg
Dont DHA: 71 mg
Marennes Oléron
the only certified oysters