How to open Marennes Oléron oyster
- Opening oysters :
- Just before eating
- No protection necessary – clean hands
- Tool: short bladed, pointed knife
- 1. Position
- Right-handed : Oyster in the left hand with the hinge towards the wrist, hollow of the shell in the palm
- Left-handed : Oyster in right hand with hinge towards the fingers, hollow of the shell in the palm
- Place the thumb on the blade to hold it
- 2. Knife insertion
- Right-handed : Insert the blade at the level of the middle finger (two thirds of the length from the hinge)
Left-handed :
Insert the blade at the level of the little finger (two thirds of the length from the hinge)
- Penetrate with the blade, do not force it
- 3. Extend the blade
- Cut the muscle
- Lever the shell with the blade
- 4. finish
- Detach the flesh from the upper shell
- Pour out the liquid inside along with any shell broken during opening
- Reposition the flesh
Marennes Oléron
the only certified oysters